Boot Camp!

Join the Ranks: Become a LadSwag Ambassador and Earn Rewards with November Whiskey NFTs

Attention soldiers! Listen up, because we have an important announcement to make about our Loyalty NFTs – the November Whiskey (NW) NFTs.

At LadSwag, we believe in rewarding our loyal soldiers who hold ten or more NW NFTs in their wallets. These soldiers will be given the honour of being recognized as Ambassadors at the end of each mission, and they will receive their well-deserved rewards for their unwavering support.

Our Ambassadors will be identified automatically through their wallets verified on our Discord channel, provided they have ten or more NW NFTs in their possession. Once their Cardano wallet address has been confirmed, their Ambassador status will be issued for a limited period of one week, while their rewards are transferred.

But wait, there’s more! We know you’re itching to know what benefits our Ambassadors will receive. Well, let us tell you, soldiers – those holding ten or more NW NFTs will receive a variety of rewards, including special $ADA rewards as per our cost model.

Now, we know you might have a few questions about this, so we’re here to provide you with all the information you need. How many Ambassadors can there be? Well, with 716 NW NFTs in circulation, there can only be a maximum of 71 Ambassadors declared after each mission’s full mint. This is important to note, soldiers, because the Ambassador rewards will be shared accordingly.

If a soldier’s wallet contains 20 or more NW NFTs, they will receive twice the amount of Ambassador rewards. For every 10 NW NFTs in a soldier’s wallet, they will receive an $ADA reward as per our cost model. The registered Ambassadors for the period issued will receive their rewards in $ADA as seen within the cost model.

Here’s an example to help you understand better: The Lima Bravo (LB) mission produces 5000 NW NFTs. When all 5000 NW NFTs have been minted, the identification of Ambassadors with the required number of NW NFTs will be automatically verified through their wallets on our Discord channel, and rewards will be issued to our loyal soldiers.

The NW NFTs are priced at 60 $ADA each, so they should generate a whopping 258,000 $ADA (less NMKR fees). 30% of this amount will go to Management & Admin, which is 77,400 $ADA. Then, 30% of the Management & Admin, which is 23,220 $ADA, will be shared among our eligible Ambassadors at the end of that mission. Let’s say there are only 41 Ambassadors with the required number of NW NFTs, each one will receive 566 $ADA as a reward once Lima Bravo is fully minted.

Attention, soldiers! The identification of eligible Ambassadors with the required number of NW NFTs will be done automatically through their wallets verified on our Discord channel. The reward distribution will take place at the end of each mission. The reward distribution dates and timings will be announced on our Twitter Community specifically for our loyal soldiers.

At LadSwag, we value loyalty and commitment. We believe that our Ambassadors are the backbone of our community, and we want to reward them accordingly. So keep holding onto those NW NFTs, and soldiers, and keep fighting for the LadSwag mission! We’ll continue to improvise, adapt, and overcome in true military style!

IMPORTANT! – The previous Ambassadors either keep hold of the NW NFTs ready for the next mission or trade them remembering the potential value they hold in preparation for the next mission.

Stand To!

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