LadSwag Achieves Qualified Cardano Lands NFT Status!

At ease, LadSwag loyalists! Gather ’round as we unfurl the banner of victory and sound the trumpets. The time has come to celebrate a momentous occasion: LadSwag is now a “Qualified Cardano Lands NFT Project.” It’s a triumph worth its weight in ADA, and here’s why it’s an epic milestone for all LadSwag holders and our cherished community.

The Path to Glory: Becoming a Qualified Cardano Lands NFT Project

LadSwag’s journey to becoming a Qualified Cardano Lands NFT Project is akin to a heroic saga. Let’s break down the benefits and actions our community can take to maximise this newfound utility.

The Benefits: Why It Matters

Becoming a Qualified Cardano Lands NFT Project isn’t just a feather in our cap; it’s a game-changer. Here’s why:

1. Voting Power: As a Qualified Project, LadSwag now wields mighty voting power on the Cardano Lands platform. This power isn’t just for show; it’s a potent tool that can shape the future of the Cardano Lands ecosystem.

2. Staking Opportunities: With our newfound status, LadSwag holders have the opportunity to stake their collections. This isn’t just about showing off; it’s about earning rewards and strengthening the LadSwag community.

How You Can Benefit

Now, let’s dive into the action steps our community can take to harness these benefits. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and make LadSwag’s presence known on the Cardano Lands platform.

1. Voting: Voting is a crucial way to flex our newfound muscle. Follow these steps to cast your vote and ensure LadSwag’s voice is heard:

  • Step 1: Connect to the Cardano Lands website using NAMI or Eternl wallet.
  • Step 2: In the “My Votes” menu, obtain voting points using the EXO token. Don’t worry; your EXO won’t be burned, just temporarily locked, and you can reclaim it whenever you please.
  • Step 3: Navigate to the “Leaderboard” menu and cast your votes for LadSwag. Click the VOTE button, and on the small modal window, enter the number of votes you wish to spend.
  • For a more detailed guide on How To Vote, check out this link.

2. Staking: Staking is where LadSwag’s true power shines. Follow these steps to stake your collection and reap the rewards:

  • Every 14 days, Cardano Lands takes a snapshot of the leaderboard. If LadSwag is at the top, you’ll have the chance to stake your collection for the next 14 days.
  • Simply keep your NFTs in your wallet; there’s no need to lock them in a smart contract.
  • Every 24 hours, you’ll receive your rewards in Hexonium, Cardano Lands’ in-game token.
  • When you have at least 100 Hexonium, you can claim your rewards. Please note that each claim incurs a 5 ADA fee, with 2 ADA going to the Inventor’s Prize Pool.
  • For a deeper dive into the rules and specifics of staking, check out this link.

3. Hexonium: Hexonium is where the real fun begins. It’s Cardano Lands’ in-game token, and LadSwag holders can put it to good use in the Metalab game:

  • Exchange your Hexonium for basic elements and combine them to craft and invent new resources.
  • Hexonium is the key to unleashing the full potential of your LadSwag NFTs.

Conclusion: Marching Toward Cardano Lands Glory!

The path to becoming a Qualified Cardano Lands NFT Project has opened up exciting new horizons for LadSwag and its community. We’ve got the voting power, staking opportunities, and Hexonium at our disposal.

So, LadSwag enthusiasts, it’s time to rally the troops! Head over to the Cardano Lands platform, cast your votes for LadSwag, and stake your collections. Let’s make our presence known and march forward together towards Cardano Lands’ glory! Dismissed!

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