Charlie Bravo – First Blood

Read More About Our Missions

LadSwag will be introducing many Missions (CNFT Projects) whereby LadSwag artist Barney MC will be creating powerful, meaningful CNFTs that can really make a difference. join our discord to find out why our CNFTs make such a difference.

Lest We Forget

At the heart of the Ladswag is a real desire to make a difference for the veterans of all countries (armed forces charity contributions). Not only will the art act as an everlasting memory of military history it will also place our heroes and loved ones on the blockchain to be immortalised and remembered forever. ‘Lest We Forget’.

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Mission ‘Charlie Bravo’ First Blood the very first collection of CNFTs created by LadSwag artist Barney MC. Sold out!

Mission ‘November Whiskey’ Strategic Placement will be a British Army regimental cap badge collection (46 regiments / 717 NFTs).

Mission ‘Lima Bravo’ Brut force will be collection of armour vehicle CNFTs.